Thursday, November 5, 2009

Race for the Cure!

I walked with Addie, Mom, Morgan, Molly and Tracy at Race for the Cure a couple of weekends ago. We had a great time. I mean, running late, it was cold, sprinkled a little, Addie's diaper leaked pee everywhere and I got my favorite shoes muddy to get my baby a banana! Okay, it wasn't really as bad as I made it sound! We really did have a good time and it was worth every minute of it!
Walking in honor of Deb, Becky and Rhonda! In memory of Debbie!

The post race banana and milk!
Saw some friends! (Laura and Rachel)
Me, Addie, Molly, Mom, Morgan
Race is over! Heading to do some shopping at Tinsel and Treasure! Thanks for letting us borrow your jeans Molly!